
Helping students navigate the complexity of multi-school course planning.


A custom-tailed solution was created from scratch to allow students to fully take advantage of Quottly

With Quottly's newly designed tool, students were now empowered to  build multi-university course plans and easily wrangle the complexity presented by this task

Quottly was acquired by Parchment in Q1 2023

Year & Product Type

2019, B2C

My Role & Contributions

Product Designer: User Research, Prototyping, Visual Design


Cofounders, Lead Developer

Setting Students Up for Success

Our goal was to enable university students to graduate in a timely, affordable manner by making it easy for them to enroll in the courses they need on their schedule and track their progress. After working to understand the end user and their problem, we set out to design a planning tool they could access from their laptop, tablet or phone.

Planning Graduation in Style

Thousands of classes. Hundreds of universities. Millions of students. The challenge was to accommodate students nationwide in different school systems, and allow for them to strategize and plan a customized multi-school path to graduation. I designed a highly interactive single-page web and mobile application to accomplish our goal and give students the powerful tool they need to pull off this complex process.

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